Monday, June 14, 2010

Stopping to worship

I'm getting into the swing of things here. I feel like apart of the house that I work in all day and this is a blessing.
Yesterday we had church with all of Casa Bernabe- all the 180 kids and the staff. I realized how significant this day of worship is because during the week the kids can forget that the staff here is serving them because of the love of Christ. And the staff can forget why they are serving as well, and we can start to try on rely on things like sleep and food for sustenance when it is only Christ who sustains us.
But because we meet together as a body, every Sunday is a beautiful opportunity for the kids to be reminded of the fact that their house parents, cooks, maids, teachers, and volunteers are here because they love the Lord. ANd the house parents, cooks, maids, teachers and volunteers are reminded of what the Lord did for us, and how we are not worthy to even be here serving. Worship was definitely more significant for me this week, because I not only got to praise the Lord for his glory that is apparent here but I got to worship with the kids I serve every day. And as we sang truth like "Oh no you never let go, through the calm and through the storm," and "Your perfect love drives out fear" in Spanish I saw some of my kids turning around to watch me, like they wanted to know if I believed these things we sang. And ironically, because of them, I can hold tighter to these truths that God is good and he is our protector more so than ever.
So I worshiped even more because of the testimony of these kids and of this staff. And the kids worshiped more genuinely because of me. And I think that is the whole idea of the body of Christ.

PS. Sundays also mean the kids look adorable in their church clothes. Good job house mommas.

1 comment:

  1. so sweet :) and the pictures on your next blog are precious...just had to let you know!
