Saturday, June 12, 2010

Before the day of rest, there must be a day of crazy.

This morning Andrea and I decided that Hector, who laughs at us whenever we are ordering him to do anything, doesn't take us very seriously. And we thought our mean faces were so stern, but I guess we are wrong because the only reaction we get out of him is laughter. Apparently the gringos are so funny. But we are so seria right now!
That is our new phrase when adorable Guatemalan children don't take us seriously. We are so seria right now.
Then after a couple hours of pushing kids on the swing, we sat down to swing and suddenly were pulled into another game of house. So instead of being children who could be held accountable for their actions, and instead of trying really hard to understand the kids' Spanish, we pretended to be the babies. So for the next hour little girls were giving us fake bottles and yelling and praising us in Spanish. And all we did was sit there and pretend to cry. We quiet enjoyed being difficult babies. And our other kids really enjoyed the show.

Then I was asked if I wanted to go with three of the women and all of the 3-5 year old kids to get the boy's haircut. I thought it would be a sweet adventure, and the kids were excited. 18 kids and 5 adults including the driver piled in the 15 passenger van and off we went on an adventure that started around 11AM and ended at 345PM. I was right. Adventure.
Here are some of the highlights of this endeavor:
One girl got sick on another. Two tried to smuggle the cookies under the seat of the van and eat them there. David was asleep on my lap though all of this by the way. Naomi pinched her fingers in the window. Magali and Anderson were jumping on the seat and yelling whenever they saw agua. It had just rained. I turned around and Alex was picking his nose with all his fingers. It's possible. Mariella flipped over a seat and hit another little boy in the face. He thought it was funny. 10 little boys got their hair buzzed in a one-room barbershop. Magali complained that Alex had just kissed her! And on the cheek! All the kids, myself, and one other lady stayed in the van in the parking lot of a supermarket for about an hour.
And the kids thought it was an awesome day.
And I came home hungry.
And it's 9 Pm and I am so going to bed. I thought about the significance of this day. That's as far as I got. Cuz let's face it. Sometimes talking about boogers and sharing all day makes you shallow. :D God bless our day of rest tomorrow. And God bless those women!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! Oh my Lauren, how I have laughed picturing all this going on!! Hang in there, girl! We are praying the Holy Spirit strength to upon you! I love you. It was GREAT to talk to you!
    We are off to KY this afternoon.
    Lots of love, Mom
